Power semiconductors are core components of any power supply, DC/DC converter or inverter. But the market for MOSFET, IGBT & Co. is very broad; there are a lot of manufacturers who offer such components in an unmanageable variety. In addition, there are the new wide-bandgap semiconductors such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN). How should the user find his way in this “jungle” and identify the right power semiconductor for his application? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different power semiconductor solutions?
Developers will receive assistance at the “Anwenderforum Leistungshalbleiter“, which Markt&Technik and DESIGN&ELEKTRONIK will be holding for the third time in Munich from November 19 to 20, 2019. This conference is intended to convey the most important basics and application notes on MOSFET & Co. Is a superjunction MOSFET still sufficient for the desired application, or would the transition to GaN transistors make sense? Would the selected driver IC also work with other power semiconductor technologies? What variances are to be expected with regard to the information in the data sheet? Which aspects are decisive for a qualified pre-selection, and which further questions to the manufacturers, facilitate decision-making and sourcing?
Register online now and receive a 10% discount on the participation fee. The promotion code for online registration is AFLSC2019.
Find here the program of the “Anwenderforums Leistungshalbleiter 2019”Β and attend the seminar of Tobias Fuhr (Finepower Engineering) on the topic: Current and future charger topologies for industry and electromobility.